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Teacher Training

Coming soon
Spring 2024 Virtual Silks 1 Teacher Training



Hi everyone! My name is Kerry Wee

I’m the creator of Wrap Your Head Around Silks and a life-long dancer turned aerialist and instructor.

Like most people, aerial was not easy for me at the start

You’ve all met the person who steps into their first class and effortlessly inverts when shown how. Well, that wasn’t me. Instead of taking one or two steps to do the full expression of a skill, I did five or six. It turned into an approach of micro-progressions and specificity that I have found is pretty rare in the teaching industry.

I believe that it works

It’s the most efficient way to make your students successful in the first year of aerial training. I’ve taught hundreds of beginners in-person and this curriculum is based on a process of trial and error over a decade.

My teaching methods

They’ve been tested and proven in real classroom scenarios, but this will be the first time I’ll open up training to current or inspiring instructors. My first offering will be in-person only in Los Angeles this Spring with a whopping $300 OFF because I’ll be test driving the format of the course.

Similar to a pilates teacher training structure

This will be geared towards creating “classroom ready” instructors with the combination of a weekend of in-person learning and also hours of online learning. The course will teach you how to talk a student in and out of skills safely & with confidence, give you the tools to navigate in-class modification for multi-level classes, equip you with a high-level of safety standard for all of the skills in the course and teach you methods to create effective class programing & sequencing.

What Exactly is it?

It’s a comprehensive course that covers the entire foundation of silks including conditioning, climbs, poses, base wraps, rotational & drop technique. Our four Zoom lectures will fully cover the jam-packed text book and will include reading assignments, video learning, barbie doll wrapping to practice knots, quizzes and homework!

The in-person lectures will be focused on you teaching your fellow classmates, navigating multi-level scenarios, getting each other un-stuck and of course building confidence in this new skill set. It’s the first time I’m offering this course, so I’ll be asking for your feedback throughout!

Here’s a sneak peek of the textbook…